As it’s probably known I suffer with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and Erb’s Palsy. This has changed my life dramatically from what it was 5-10 years ago. We all age and ache as we grow but I’ve been so severely impacted by these health issues that it’s left me a completely different person. I am unable to go out without someone with me, I can no longer read books as I used to, I can’t cook for myself and sometimes even need help bathing. I need to be chaperoned around and I have had family members book time off work just to get me to an appointment. Simple acts like waiting for a bus, holding on to a handrail can leave me in great deal of pain. I also get extremely confused and anxious. So needless to say I am heavily dependent on others when I wish I didn’t need to be.

Here’s the kicker…

I was claiming something called PIP (Personal Independence Payment) before I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. It was giving me the financial aid I needed to get to hospital appointments, medication, support groups, doctor appointments and even alternative therapy. In short; it gave me independence. When I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia my health became even worse and started to affect the way my mind and body works. Any bills, documents, appointments – I needed someone to help me understand it all. I can read the words but I can’t make sense of it (one of the many reasons I can’t blog daily). It’s also why I had to stop reading my beloved Terry Pratchett novels. I can no longer walk without pain and sometimes even opening a fridge door can cause me unbearable agony, particularly in my back. So, I explained all this, and more, to the PIP offices. When I heard back I got the news they had stopped my financial help claiming I can do things that I explained I couldn’t.

I have faith the decision can be reversed because what they say simply isn’t true. My Erb’s Palsy hasn’t miraculously disappeared and my newest diagnosis hasn’t made me ‘better’. So obviously I am in rather a delicate, upset and angry state now they have made my current situation worse and even more dependent on others. I can’t attend my pain therapy sessions that I have waited months for, I can barely afford my medication each month, I have to carefully plan my GP appointments based on other people’s day off, I can’t even start any alternative therapy treatments such as acupuncture. One of the specialists I see is at Leeds Infirmary. I live in Bristol and it can cost me over £200 to get there and back…

I feel my whole life has been one struggle to the next trying to get help and support. I see people around me go to work, come home, go shopping, reading the newspaper and imagine how wonderful it would be to live a simpler life like that. Instead I have to battle day-to-day to be able to live a pain-free, semi-comfortable existence.

I will try to keep you updated with everything. Wish me luck!

Cazzy x